Internal recruitment to associate professor
Reference number REF 2024-0677
You are considered for internal recruitment to associate professor. We therefore would like to ask you to upload your application according to the instructions below.
Your field and specialization of the docent application should be stated clearly (in both English and Swedish).
Application procedure
The application should be written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.
Please follow the instructions for compiling an application for a research and teaching position at Chalmers.
Personal letter: (Please name the uploaded document: Personal letter, Family name)
One page where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe how you support your colleagues and bring about a good working environment.
CV and publication list: (Please name the uploaded document: CV and publication list, Family name) Including:
• Your CV (please see the CV guidelines)
• Complete list of publications.
Research statement: (Please name the document as: Research statement, Family name)
One to three pages where you:
• Describe your previous research areas and main research results. Your independence as a researcher should be described clearly.
• State your future research goals and focus.
Other documents
• Copies of a maximum of five relevant publications that cannot be accessed via
your ORCID, Scopus ID or ResearchID.
• PhD certificate
• Certification for completion of the course Supervision of Research: Principles
and Practice or other equivalent course.
• Certification of any other course in pedagogy or other equivalent background.
Other pertinent documents.
Pedagogical qualifications: (Please name the document as: Pedagogical portfolio, Family name)
• Please compile a pedagogical portfolio to describe your pedagogical and educational qualifications using the format using the format specified in the Pedagogical Portfolio guidelines in the application instructions.
• Please append certificates for completed courses in pedagogical training and any other documents described in the portfolio instructions.
You apply via ReachMee, Chalmers' e-recruitment system
You reach the application form by clicking on the button at the foot of the page. Choose “New user?” and create your own account by filling in your personal data. You can afterwards easily update your application at any time by logging in to your account.
A description of the following process
When you have submitted your application in ReachMee, it will be processed by the Chairman of the Faculty Appointment Committee. If you meet the requirements, we will send your application to two scientific experts and one pedagogical assessor who will assess the application. They normally need 4-6 weeks for the evaluation. When the evaluation is ready, you will be invited to the Faculty Appointment Committee meeting for a presentation and interview. The Faculty Appointment Committee will determine if they can recommend the head of department to appoint you to associate professor.
You are most welcome to contact us if you have any questions or concerns,
Best wishes,
Recruitment Unit
HR Office
Chalmers University of Technology
SE-412 96 Göteborg