
List of available jobs. The headings can be sorted by clicking on them.
Job ad header Publish from date
PhD student position in Structural Materials for Gen IV Nuclear Reactors Publish from date:2025-01-15 15/01/2025
Postdoc position in computational mathematics Publish from date:2025-01-14 14/01/2025
Ekonomiassistent till xxxxx Publish from date:2025-01-13 13/01/2025
Befordran till professor Publish from date:2024-12-19 19/12/2024
Internal recruitment to full professor Publish from date:2024-12-18 18/12/2024
Assistant professor/Associate professor – Physics of Life Publish from date:2024-12-17 17/12/2024
Internal recruitment to associate professor Publish from date:2024-12-17 17/12/2024
Internal recruitment to professor Publish from date:2024-12-12 12/12/2024
Oavlönad docent Publish from date:2024-12-11 11/12/2024
Promotion to full professor Publish from date:2024-12-11 11/12/2024