Internal recruitment to professor
Reference number REF 2023-0371
Dear Romain,
You are considered for assessment to a possible internal recruitment to professor. We therefore would like to ask you to compile and submit your application according to the instructions below.
Application procedure
The application should be written in English and arranged as if it was an application for a regular position. Mark your application with Ref 20230388 and upload your documents electronically as PDF-files through Chalmers' e-recruitment system ReachMee.
Please follow the instructions for compiling an application for a research and teaching position at Chalmers.
Personal letter: (Please name the uploaded document: Personal letter, Family name, Ref. no.)
One page where you:
• Introduce yourself and motivate your application for promotion.
• Describe how you support your colleagues and bring about a good working environment.
CV and publication list: (Please name the uploaded document: CV and publication list, Family name, Ref. no.) Including:
• Your CV (please see the CV guidelines)
• Complete list of publications.
Supervision: (Please name the uploaded document: Supervision, Family name, Ref. no.) Including:
• List from Qlikview/Ladok (please consult the administrative office at your department) showing the PhD students you have been main supervisor (huvudhandledare) or co-supervisor (handledare) for to the licentiate and/or PhD degree.
Research statement: (Please name the document as: Research statement, Family name, Ref. number)
One to three pages where you:
• Describe your previous research areas and main research results
• State your future research goals and focus.
Pedagogical qualifications: (Please name the document as: Pedagogical portfolio, Family name, Ref number)
• Please compile a pedagogical portfolio to describe your pedagogical and educational qualifications using the format specified in the Pedagogical Portfolio instructions. Your pedagogical training qualifications can be included as part of the portfolio.
• Please append certificates for completed courses in pedagogical training and any other documents described in the portfolio instructions.
Other documents:
• Documents verifying awards and recognitions stated in your CV, and other documents relevant to support your application.
• Copies of a maximum of five relevant publications that cannot be accessed via your ORCID, Scopus ID or ResearcherID.
You apply via ReachMee, Chalmers' e-recruitment system
You reach the application form by clicking on the button at the foot of the page. Choose “New user?” and create your own account by filling in your personal data. You can afterwards easily update your application at any time by logging in to your account.
A description of the following process
When your application is submitted, it will be checked by the Chair of the Faculty Appointment Committee. If you meet the requirements we will send your application to external evaluators who will assess the application. Thereafter you will be invited to a Faculty Appointment Committee meeting for a presentation and interview. The Faculty Appointment Committee will determine if they can recommend the head of department to offer you a permanent faculty position as professor.
The process ends with your promotion lecture at the department, and after your lecture you can be promoted by the President.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us (
Kind regards,
Recruitment Unit
HR Office
Chalmers University of Technology
SE-412 96 Göteborg