Digital Ambassadors - Chinese Social Media Team

Become a Study in Sweden digital ambassador - join the Chinese social media team

Are you an international student studying in Sweden or about to start studying in Sweden? Are you creative and love storytelling? Do you enjoy working with social media? Then becoming a Study in Sweden digital ambassador might be for you! 

Study in Sweden digital ambassadors share their experiences of studying in Sweden in Study in Sweden's digital ambassadors. Basically, they share what life is life as an international student in Sweden.

As a Study in Sweden digital ambassador, you'll be expected to spend 20 hours/a month on your digital ambassador tasks. We offer limited financial renumeration for your work and plenty of opportunities for networking and professional development.

Throughout the year, we meet up as a group three times to share experiences, learn new skills, swap ideas, and have fun together! You are expected to participate in all three meet-ups. Our first meet-up will take place in Stockholm on 4 - 6 October 2024.

We're looking for 4 students to join the Chinese social media team!

As part of our Chinese social media team, you’ll create content for Study in Sweden's WeChat, Weibo and Bilibili accounts – posting photos and videos, writing articles, taking part in Live broadcasts, and interacting with followers.

For the academic year 2024/2025, we are looking for around 4 master/PhD students to join the Chinese social media team. 

Application deadline:

You can apply to become a digital ambassador in the Chinese social media team between 1 June – 30 June.

Who we're looking for:

  • You're a full-time student pursuing a master's or PhD degree at a Swedish university in Sweden. We welcome applications from both new students who are starting their studies in the autumn semester 2024 and returning students who continue their studies for the academic year 2024/2025. Please note that we only accept applicants who are studying on-campus at a Swedish university, we don't accept applicants studying a remote/online learning programme at a Swedish university.
  • You're an international student.
  • You love telling stories and communicating with people from different backgrounds.
  • You're comfortable writing and talking in English and Chinese. We need you to be able to tell your story confidently, in your own voice.
  • It's a plus if you're comfortable in front of the camera, as we encourage you to participate in Weibo/WeChat Live broadcasts from time to time.
  • You can commit to spending 20 hours a month during the academic year on being a digital ambassador.
  • You're motivated to take initiative and dedicated to completing your tasks. As a person, you are reliable, responsible, and like to help others.

How to apply:

You have until 30 June to send in your application through this portal. We do not accept any applications via email.

To apply, please fill in the online application form (in English) and attach your application documents (in Chinese) by 30 June (23:59 Swedish time CEST).


Required documents for the China social media team:

Please upload the following required documents in the application form (in Chinese). Note: all of them are obligatory. 

  1. 在申请表的“CV document”处上传你的简历,包括你的个人社交媒体帐号链接(小红书,微博,微信公众号,抖音,Bilibili或者Instagram等, 如果你没有,可以在申请期间注册新帐号并添加你希望展示的原创内容)。
  2. 在申请表的“Personal letter”处上传一封申请信(不超过600字,以PDF格式上传),或者一个三分钟以内的创意短视(请使用Bilibili视频链接与我们分享你的作品,勿发送视频文件)。向我们介绍你自己、你为什么选择到瑞典留学、你为什么希望成为留学瑞典的学生大使,以及你为何是学生大使的合适候选人。
  3. 在申请表的“Other documents”处上传一篇微信公众号作品示例。创作一篇1000字以内的公众号文章,包括文字&图片&排版设计。请上传PDF文件提供公众号文章链接或直接在PDF文件里呈现你的作品内容。

Contact us:

If you have any questions about the application proess, contact us via email:

We look forward to reading your application - good luck!