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List of available jobs. The headings can be sorted by clicking on them.
Job Published to External ID City Department Choose professional area
Employment as a research engineer in Tumor Immunology at Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences (BKV) Published to:2024-11-04 04/11/2024 BKV-2024-00759 Linkoping BKV - Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences Technical and Administrative personnel
Postdoc in Scientific Visualization Published to:2024-10-31 31/10/2024 LiU-2024-04774 Norrkoping ITN - Department of Science and Technology Teachers and Scientists
Employment as a research engineer in neurobiology/psychology at BKV Published to:2024-10-28 28/10/2024 BKV-2024-00751 Linkoping BKV - Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences Technical and Administrative personnel
PhD student in Mathematical Sciences Published to:2024-10-28 28/10/2024 MAI-2024-00088 Linkoping MAI - Department of Mathematics PhD students
PhD student in Computational Mathematics Published to:2024-10-28 28/10/2024 MAI-2024-00091 Linkoping MAI - Department of Mathematics PhD students
PhD student in material science - Soft electronic solid-state cooling Published to:2024-11-08 08/11/2024 LiU-2024-04797 Norrkoping ITN - Department of Science and Technology PhD students
Postdoc in theoretical and computational physics Published to:2024-11-01 01/11/2024 IFM-2024-00491 Linkoping IFM - Department of Physics, Biology and Chemistry Teachers and Scientists
Postdoctoral Researchers in Computer Vision Published to:2024-12-01 01/12/2024 LiU-2024-04727 Linkoping ISY - Department of Electrical Engineering Teachers and Scientists
Post-doc in in vivo bioelectronics Published to:2024-10-22 22/10/2024 LiU-2024-04606 Norrkoping ITN - Department of Science and Technology Teachers and Scientists
PhD student in Computer Science Published to:2024-10-30 30/10/2024 IDA-2024-00181 Linkoping IDA - Department of Computer and Information Science PhD students
Assistant professor in Integrated Circuits and Systems Published to:2024-10-31 31/10/2024 LiU-2024-04551 Linkoping ISY - Department of Electrical Engineering Teachers and Scientists
Postdoc in Computational Neuroscience Published to:2024-10-16 16/10/2024 BKV-2024-00710 Linkoping BKV - Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences Teachers and Scientists
Postdoc in data-driven wildlife modeling Published to:2024-10-31 31/10/2024 IFM-2024-00478 Linkoping IFM - Department of Physics, Biology and Chemistry Teachers and Scientists
PhD student in Industrial Marketing with a focus on Sustainable Business Models Published to:2024-10-31 31/10/2024 IEI-2024-00569 Linkoping IEI - Department of Management and Engineering PhD students
PhD student in Technology and Social Change Published to:2024-10-31 31/10/2024 TEMA-2024-00228 Linkoping TEMA - Department of Thematic Studies PhD students
PhD student in marketing Published to:2024-10-28 28/10/2024 IEI-2024-00558 Linkoping IEI - Department of Management and Engineering PhD students
Professor of Materials Science Published to:2024-10-15 15/10/2024 LiU-2024-03062 Norrkoping ITN - Department of Science and Technology Teachers and Scientists
PhD student in brain-inspired neuromorphic computing systems on chip Published to:2024-11-30 30/11/2024 LiU-2024-04086 Linkoping ISY - Department of Electrical Engineering PhD students
Postdoc in Brillouin Laser Light Scattering (BLS) Published to:2024-10-15 15/10/2024 IFM-2024-00408 Linkoping IFM - Department of Physics, Biology and Chemistry Teachers and Scientists