Assistant professor in Materials Science with focus on Inorganic Functional Materials for Conversion and Capture technologies


Reference number LiU-2024-03178

We have the power of over 40,000 students and co-workers. Students who provide hope for the future. Co-workers who contribute to Linköping University meeting the challenges of the day. Our fundamental values rest on credibility, trust and security. By having the courage to think freely and innovate, our actions together, large and small, contribute to a better world. We look forward to receiving your application!

WISE Fellow recruitment package

The Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM) at Linköping University is recruiting this tenure-track Assistant Professor with a generous starting package through the Wallenberg Initiative Materials Science for Sustainability (WISE, The WISE Fellow recruitment package includes (i) salary for the recruited faculty member (4 years full-time for a maximum of 5 years); (ii) research/consumables funding; (iii) salary for two PhD students (4 years each); (iv) salary for two postdocs (2 years each); and (v) additional support for overhead and facilities.

Work assignments 

This Assistant Professorship focuses on research in the field of inorganic functional materials with the aim of developing and advancing sustainable materials and technologies for conversion and capture technologies. A particular focus is on experimental activities related to surface physics/chemistry and catalysis, including, but not being limited to, water splitting and CO2 capture and conversion. Placement will be at the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM) at Linköping University.

With the help of a very competitive start-up package including funding for two PhD students, two postdocs, and own salary; state-of-the art facilities; and an environment characterized by strong internal and international collaboration, the applicant is expected to establish and maintain an  independent research program in inorganic functional materials for conversion and capture technologies which complements and expands IFM’s current research activities.

IFM has internationally leading scientists and several world-leading labs in the area of Materials Science. Research themes span materials synthesis and characterization, sustainability, devices, and applications, including thin films, nanoparticles, 2D, 1D and mesoporous materials, which are characterized in our state-of-the-art laboratories with respect to structure and composition, down to atomic level, using e.g. diffraction, spectroscopy and advanced microscopy. IFM currently have about 400 researchers, students, and staff spanning 10 research divisions and a division for lab management and technical support. WISE, funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, is the largest-ever investment in materials science in Sweden and includes major investments at seven of Sweden’s leading universities over (at least) 10 years. The vision is to enable a sustainable world through materials science.

Placement at IFM will provide the recruited Assistant Professor with rapid integration into a collaborative research environment for knowledge and expertise sharing, and with full access to IFM’s synthesis, characterization, and cleanroom facilities and equipment. At IFM, all research is conducted in English.

As an Assistant Professor, you will also have the opportunity/responsibility to teach (at first exclusively in English) and supervise students in the Faculty of Science and Engineering’s different educational programmes. The work will eventually encompass course design and course coordination responsibility.

You will be active in the research community, participate in the division's/department´s activities such as seminars and workshops, participate in research projects, communicate results through academic publications and help attract external research funding.

You will contribute actively to the university's development work. Collaboration is an integral part of the University’s research and education mission.

  • Collaboration in research takes the form of disseminating, making available and utilizing research.
  • Your research collaboration should encompass internal collaboration within IFM as well as national and international collaborations.
  • Your research should complement and expand IFM’s current research activities.

The employment may also involve administrative duties, such as meeting or workshop organization, and hosting visitors. We also encourage you to participate in and show interest in management duties.

Your work will include monitoring developments nationally and internationally within your field of study and other societal developments that are important to your work. You are flexible and have the ability to move between different types of pedagogical and scientific contexts. You share knowledge and contribute to the working group’s professional development, collegial ways of working and social community. The fact that you are present and active is something we see as self-evident in order to ensure that you are able to perform your duties in an optimum way and enjoy your working community.


We are looking for candidates who have a doctoral degree or equivalent scientific competence. We are primarily looking for candidates who have obtained their doctoral degree in the past five years.

For this employment, special emphasis is placed on academic expertise, and secondary emphasis placed on proficiencies in specific areas of expertise (below).

In terms of academic expertise, the following will be assessed: 

  • Requirements for the position is previous expertise and a proposed research program that complement and expand IFM’s current research activities
  • Requirements for the position is a PhD degree in Materials Science, Chemistry, Applied Physics, or other relevant field
  • Requirements for the position is Postdoctoral or equivalent experience of relevance
  • Of particular merit is experience leading research project(s)
  • Of particular merit is experience in writing and publishing high quality/high impact scientific articles, especially as lead or corresponding/last author
  • Of merit for the position is experience in taking part in and coordinating national or international research activities
  • Of merit for the position is previous awarded research grants as (ideally) main or co-applicant
  • Of merit for the position is previous experience coordinating research grants

In terms of pedagogical expertise, the following will be assessed:

  • Of particular merit for the position is previous experience in supervising master’s students, PhD students, and/or postdoctoral researchers
  • Of merit for the position is previous experience in teaching at master’s level or PhD courses
  • Of merit for the position is previous experience in course planning and development of course material

Of additional merit for the position is:

  • Documented expertise in collaboration in research
  • Experience working in a large, internally-collaborative research group
  • Experience from establishing new lab activities, setting up new equipment

Since teaching and research are conducted in English, you must be able to demonstrate the ability to teach and conduct research in English.

The workplace

You will work at the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM) at Linköping University.

The employment

This position is subject to a period of employment of 4 years, fulltime.

Starting date by agreement.

The Higher Education Ordinance states that an assistant professor may be employed on an indefinite-term contract, subject to a minimum duration of four years and a maximum duration of six years. This is to be decided by the university before the employment commences.

An employment may be renewed, subject to a limitation of maximum duration two years, if, as a consequence of sickness absence, parental leave, or other special circumstances of the assistant professor, additional time is necessary in order to achieve the purpose of the employment.

An assistant professor shall, upon application, be promoted to associate professor if the applicant is qualified for employment as associate professor and, following a proficiency test, is deemed suitable for such appointment according to the grounds of assessment which the university has decided shall apply.

For more information on eligibility requirements, assessment criteria and recruitment procedures for teachers, see Linköping University’s rules of appointment. 
Linköping University’s rules of appointment.

Salary and employment benefits

The university applies individual salaries.

More information about employee benefits is available here.

Union representatives

Information about union representatives, see Help for applicants.

Application procedure

Apply for the position by clicking the “Apply” button below. Your application must be received no later than 2 september, 2024. 
Applications and documents received after the date above will not be considered. 
Please attach your selected research publications electronically, in pdf or word format, in the application template. Research publications, e.g. monographs, which cannot be sent electronically should be sent in three sets by mail to the University Registrar at Linköping University, University Registrar, S-581 83 Linköping, Sweden. The publications must be received by Linköping University no later than the deadline for application. 

Please note that printed publications will not be returned. They will be archived at Linköping University. 
In the event of a discrepancy between the English translation of the job announcement and the Swedish original, the Swedish version shall take precedent. 

We welcome applicants with different backgrounds, experiences and perspectives - diversity enriches our work and helps us grow. Preserving everybody's equal value, rights and opportunities is a natural part of who we are. Read more about our work with: Equal opportunities.

We look forward to receiving your application!

Linköping university has framework agreements and wishes to decline direct contacts from staffing- and recruitment companies as well as vendors of job advertisements.

Contact persons

Johanna Rosén


+46 13 28 57 93

Sara Sethson

Senior Coordinator

+46 13 28 58 35

Louise Gustafsson


+46 13 28 12 01

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