List of available jobs. The headings can be sorted by clicking on them.
PhD Student Position Department Closing date Organisation Type
PhD student in Molecular Biosciences Dep of Molecular Biosciences, The Wenner-Gren Inst Closing date:2024-11-04 04/11/2024 Faculty of Science Employment
PhD student in Molecular Biosciences Dep of Molecular Biosciences, The Wenner-Gren Inst Closing date:2024-11-04 04/11/2024 Faculty of Science Employment
PhD student in AI for drug development Dep of Molecular Biosciences, The Wenner-Gren Inst Closing date:2024-11-04 04/11/2024 Faculty of Science Employment
Doktorand i molekylär biovetenskap Dep of Molecular Biosciences, The Wenner-Gren Inst Closing date:2024-11-04 04/11/2024 Faculty of Science Employment
PhD student in Physics - Axion searches with metamaterials Department of Physics Closing date:2024-11-04 04/11/2024 Faculty of Science Employment
PhD student in Physics for Studies of Quantum Materials Department of Physics Closing date:2024-11-04 04/11/2024 Faculty of Science Employment
PhD student in Theoretical Physics - Thermodynamic bounds for non-equilibrium systems Department of Physics Closing date:2024-11-04 04/11/2024 Faculty of Science Employment
PhD student in Environmental Science, Greenland glacier melt effect on fjords biogeochemistry Department of Environmental Science Closing date:2024-11-05 05/11/2024 Faculty of Science Employment
PhD student in Environmental Science, Key-processes of Sea-spray Emissions and their Response to Climate Changes Department of Environmental Science Closing date:2024-11-05 05/11/2024 Faculty of Science Employment
PhD student in Environmental Science focusing on Mercury in Permafrost Soils Department of Environmental Science Closing date:2024-11-05 05/11/2024 Faculty of Science Employment
PhD student in Chemical Physics: Exploring biomolecular liquids and phase transitions Department of Physics Closing date:2024-11-04 04/11/2024 Faculty of Science Employment