Professor in Surface Chemistry with Focus on Studies of Biointerfaces


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Upload your Curriculum vitae here This field is required.

Documentation according to section 1 of the Qualifications portfolio at Malmö University.

You can attach files in following formats: .doc .docx .rtf .pdf .jpg .gif
Max number of files: 1

Upload documentation of Pedagogical expertise This field is required.

Documentation according to section 2 of the Qualifications portfolio at Malmö University.

You can attach files in following formats: .doc .docx .rtf .pdf .jpg .gif
Max number of files: 1

Upload documentation of Scientific expertise This field is required.

Documentation according to section 3 of the Qualifications portfolio at Malmö University

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Max number of files: 1

Upload your Professional/clinical experience here (if applicable)

Documentation according to section 5 of the Qualifications portfolio at Malmö University.

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Max number of files: 1

Upload your Documentation of leadership and administrative expertise here (if applicable)

Documentation according to section 6 of the Qualifications portfolio at Malmö University

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Max number of files: 1

Upload the educational works here This field is required.

Maximum five

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Max number of files: 10

Upload the scientific works here This field is required.

Maximum five

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Max number of files: 10

Upload copies of degree certificates and other relevant certificates here This field is required.

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Max number of files: 5

Upload a brief account of research, teaching and other activities relevant to the position to which the application pertains, including a description of how the applicant envisions their future research and teaching here This field is required.

Describe your relevant merits and experiences for the specific position and how you envision your future research and teaching (motivation letter).

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Max number of files: 1