In the list below you can find the vacancies that are currently advertised. Click on the job that matches your competence to get more information and to apply. We must have your application no later then the published to date. You can easily subscribe to the vacancies by clicking on the Subscribe button and register your email address.


List of available jobs. The headings can be sorted by clicking on them.
Commission id Job ad header Publish to date Organization unit level 1 Competency area level 1
20240667 Fifteen PhD positions at the Department of Mathematical Sciences Publish to date:2025-02-24 24/02/2025
20240701 PhD position in mathematics Publish to date:2025-02-24 24/02/2025
20240648 PhD student in Flexibility Services in Multi-Energy Systems Publish to date:2025-01-10 10/01/2025
20240699 Ph.D student in Operator Algebras Publish to date:2025-02-24 24/02/2025
20240559 PhD student position in Machine Learning for Proteins Publish to date:2025-01-31 31/01/2025
20240698 Ph.D student in the Mathematical Foundation of Quantum Information Theory Publish to date:2025-02-24 24/02/2025
20240718 Postdoctoral position within cell wall accessibility characterization Publish to date:2025-01-31 31/01/2025
20240697 PhD position in Integrable Systems Publish to date:2025-02-24 24/02/2025
20240720 PhD student position in High-Fidelity Flow Simulations for Aeronautics Publish to date:2025-01-30 30/01/2025
20240686 PhD Student in Mathematical Analysis or Probability Theory Publish to date:2025-02-24 24/02/2025
20240712 PhD Student or Postdoctoral position in Data-Driven Sustainable Mobility Publish to date:2025-02-25 25/02/2025
20240695 Doctoral student in statistics and machine learning Publish to date:2025-02-24 24/02/2025
20240696 Doctoral student in in statistics and machine learning Publish to date:2025-02-24 24/02/2025
20240694 Doctoral student in computational mathematics Publish to date:2025-02-24 24/02/2025
20240692 Doctoral student in probability theory Publish to date:2025-02-24 24/02/2025
20240710 Konstnärlig universitetsadjunkt i arkitektur Publish to date:2025-01-31 31/01/2025
20240716 In-situ process monitoring and machine learning in metal AM Publish to date:2025-01-30 30/01/2025
20240675 PhD position in Mathematical aspects of General Relativity Publish to date:2025-02-24 24/02/2025
20240674 PhD Position in Computational Mathematics for SPDEs Publish to date:2025-02-24 24/02/2025
20240673 PhD position in Numerical Linear Algebra Publish to date:2025-02-24 24/02/2025
20240669 PhD Position in Optimization Publish to date:2025-02-24 24/02/2025
20240709 Fundraiser Publish to date:2025-01-17 17/01/2025
20240719 Doctoral student in mathematics: Spectral theory of differential equations Publish to date:2025-02-24 24/02/2025
20240714 Ekonom till Chalmers Publish to date:2025-01-12 12/01/2025
20240705 Postdoc position in terahertz spectroscopic methods for life sciences Publish to date:2025-03-26 26/03/2025
20240713 Hållbarhetskoordinator Publish to date:2025-01-08 08/01/2025
20240687 Marknadsförare Publish to date:2025-01-05 05/01/2025
20230809 Postdoc position in 6G Wireless Security with Focus on Physical Layer Publish to date:2025-01-31 31/01/2025
20230810 Postdoc position in Adaptive Radio Slicing in 6G Confluent Wireless Access - Optical Transport Publish to date:2025-01-31 31/01/2025
20240677 Doktorand inom vätgasdrivna förbränningsmotorer Publish to date:2025-01-31 31/01/2025
20240704 PhD position in terahertz electronics for life science applications Publish to date:2025-03-16 16/03/2025
20240706 Tekniker till Konstruktionslabbet Publish to date:2025-01-15 15/01/2025
20240688 Research specialist in quantitative methods of technology and policy change Publish to date:2025-01-31 31/01/2025
20240708 Project assistant in biosensor development and studies on neuronal communication Publish to date:2025-01-01 01/01/2025
20240680 Bibliotekarie Publish to date:2025-01-05 05/01/2025
20240693 PhD in sustainable sinter-based and multi-material additive manufacturing Publish to date:2025-01-30 30/01/2025
20240700 Postdoc position in Interpretable AI for Human-Centered Collaboration and Decision-Making Publish to date:2025-01-31 31/01/2025
20240684 Postdoc in Development and Design of Circular Aluminium Alloys Publish to date:2025-02-01 01/02/2025
20240637 Head of Department of Physics, Chalmers Publish to date:2025-01-07 07/01/2025
20240662 Postdoctoral position in Bio-Fuel Production from Bio-Oils and Biomass Publish to date:2025-01-20 20/01/2025
20240561 PhD positions in far-infrared semiconductor electronics Publish to date:2025-01-15 15/01/2025
20240691 Doctoral student at the Division of Algebra and Geometry Publish to date:2025-02-24 24/02/2025
20240361 Postdoc in Electrochemistry and Organic Electronics Publish to date:2025-01-20 20/01/2025
20240606 PhD position in Intelligent and Sustainable Transportation System Management Publish to date:2025-01-10 10/01/2025
20240585 Optimization and game theory in transport system electrification Publish to date:2025-01-15 15/01/2025
20240685 Postdoc in electroactive covalent organic framework membranes Publish to date:2025-01-20 20/01/2025
20240658 Postdoc position in development of binder for future battery applications Publish to date:2025-01-25 25/01/2025
20240619 PhD student position in solid and structural mechanics Publish to date:2025-02-10 10/02/2025
20240681 Research specialist for HIBEAM at ESS Publish to date:2025-01-01 01/01/2025
20240671 PhD in Optimal control of a superconducting quantum computer Publish to date:2025-03-10 10/03/2025
20240668 Gruppledare lokalvård Publish to date:2025-01-07 07/01/2025
20240672 Enhetschef till IT-utveckling & förvaltning Publish to date:2025-01-15 15/01/2025
20240676 PostDoc in Formal Verification of Learning-Enabled Systems Publish to date:2025-01-20 20/01/2025
20240670 PhD student in biological wastewater treatment Publish to date:2025-01-18 18/01/2025
20240591 Postdoc in modular and autonomous transport systems Publish to date:2025-01-15 15/01/2025
20240663 PhD position: Quantum experiments with levitated particles Publish to date:2025-03-16 16/03/2025
20240664 PostDoc position: Quantum experiments with levitated particles Publish to date:2025-03-16 16/03/2025
20240640 Postdoc position in early detection of agglomeration in fluidized bed systems Publish to date:2025-01-12 12/01/2025
20240655 TWO postdoctoral research positions in supramolecular chemistry Publish to date:2025-01-12 12/01/2025
20240660 PhD Opportunity: Innovating Safety Evaluation for High-Severity Collisions Publish to date:2025-01-12 12/01/2025
20240651 PhD Student Opportunity: Integration of Quality and Sustainability Publish to date:2025-01-15 15/01/2025
20240621 Postdoctoral fellow in optical transport network security Publish to date:2025-01-10 10/01/2025
20240656 Excellence PhD positions in the field of Nanocience and Nanotechnologies Publish to date:2025-03-16 16/03/2025
20240607 Postdoc in optical quantum networks Publish to date:2025-01-30 30/01/2025
20240659 Postdoctoral Researcher in Neuroprosthetics and implantable Brain-Computer Interfaces Publish to date:2025-01-20 20/01/2025
20240657 PhD student in Resource-Efficient Design of Concrete Structures Publish to date:2025-01-20 20/01/2025
20240650 Postdoc position in Nuclear Waste Management Research Publish to date:2025-01-04 04/01/2025
20240653 Postdoc in compilation of quantum circuits on noisy quantum hardware Publish to date:2025-01-31 31/01/2025
20240622 PhD student in Secure and cognitive communication network infrastructure Publish to date:2025-01-10 10/01/2025
20240644 PhD candidate in Cognitive Ergonomics of Prehospital Care Publish to date:2025-01-16 16/01/2025
20240641 Post-doctoral Position in Benchmarking Sodium-Ion Batteries and Electrodes Publish to date:2025-01-25 25/01/2025
20240642 PhD Student in Oxygen Carrier Mechanisms for CLC Publish to date:2025-01-10 10/01/2025
20240647 PhD AI and LLM for Automated Design and Validation of Automotive Software Systems Publish to date:2025-01-15 15/01/2025
20240377 Postdoc position within WWSC: enzymatic functionalization of wood Publish to date:2025-01-10 10/01/2025
20240645 PhD student position in organic chemistry of DNA- and RNA-modifications Publish to date:2025-01-10 10/01/2025
20240643 Postdoc in AI for Healthcare Publish to date:2025-01-31 31/01/2025
20240639 Two PhD student positions in single molecule biophysics Publish to date:2025-01-10 10/01/2025
20240646 Postdoc in Next generation batteries Publish to date:2025-01-15 15/01/2025
20240633 PhD student position in Network Security Publish to date:2025-03-31 31/03/2025
20240636 PhD in Micro and Nanoplastic Particles as Carriers of Stormwater Pollutants Publish to date:2025-01-06 06/01/2025
20240628 Postdoc position in computational mathematics Publish to date:2024-12-30 30/12/2024
20240634 Postdoc in Modelling cities and buildings in the integrated energy system Publish to date:2025-01-15 15/01/2025
20240631 PhD Position in Chemical Process Engineering: Advancing Sustainability Through Protein Research Publish to date:2024-12-25 25/12/2024
20240632 Postdoc position in Chemical Process Engineering: Advancing Sustainability Through Protein Research Publish to date:2024-12-25 25/12/2024
20240629 PhD student position in AI for Privacy-Enhanced Network Systems Publish to date:2024-12-31 31/12/2024
20240627 PhD project on Multi-scale modelling of polydisperse cloud cavitation Publish to date:2025-01-06 06/01/2025
20240617 PhD in Material science challenges in realistic loading of railway steels Publish to date:2025-01-07 07/01/2025
20240623 Ph.D position on lignin-based wood adhesives Publish to date:2024-12-31 31/12/2024
20240616 Post-doc in Sustainable and innovative wastewater treatment Publish to date:2024-12-31 31/12/2024
20240620 PhD student position in Sustainable transportation services Publish to date:2025-01-15 15/01/2025
20240612 Postdoc position in X-ray imaging of cellulose based functional materials Publish to date:2024-12-31 31/12/2024